MaidPro's Madeleine Park Featured by Incredo Marketing

August 29, 2017

MaidPro's marketing coordinator, Madeleine Park, was recently featured by Incredo, an inbound marketing agency, in their article, "More than just blogging! Tips for more successful Inbound Marketing Campaigns." The piece gives readers tips on how to increase conversion and engagement rates by altering content and optimizing their pages. As more companies and consumers turn digital, the importance of inbound marketing continues to increase. Madeleine, the only marketing professional quoted in the article, went on to say:

“Inbound marketing is an art, a balance, and an ongoing process that requires creativity, detail, and a keen sense for what’s coming next. As marketing moves to the digital realm, it is becoming increasingly easy for companies and freelancers alike to create content quickly and in mass quantities. As the amount of advertising noise increases, consumers are becoming numb to many traditional marketing tactics.

The key for inbound marketing in today’s world, is not to simply create more than your competitor or to saturate newsfeeds, but instead to create customized content that is deployed in specific outlets tailored to your target audience. … The days of “set it and forget it” marketing are behind us. Inbound marketing requires companies to stay current and in-tune to their customer base. If you are dedicated to your content and your analytics, no matter the size of your business or budget, you will be able to penetrate your market and in turn help your company to grow and succeed."

Click here to read the full article!

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